Friday, March 8, 2013

something 4 the weekend

A bit late on this as Friday's almost over but there's still two days of the weekend to go so I think it's ok.  Hope so anyway.  No big stories, just some good tracks for the weekend, especially as spring is in the air.  Something old, something new, and something in-between.

Old:  'Sound & Vision' by David Bowie.  Embarrassed to admit that I heard this for the first time today -- but it was on the radio, not in an advert!  So that's something.  If I ever make it to the record shop I'll keep an eye out for a used copy of 'Low', the album this song is off of.  Haven't listened to a lot of prime period Bowie, just some of the glam stuff -- I think I need to remedy that.

New:  'Say That' by Toro Y Moi.  Been hearing this quite a lot on 6 Music.  Quite like it and quite like the change in the Toro Y Moi sound.  When I first heard him he sounded a lot more chilled out.

In-between:  First heard this on either 6 Music or Jools and it gave me a nice summer feeling, though I think the song's actually set during the start of autumn.  The video nicely highlights those long days of summer, and the nice yellow light.  Stornoway: