Monday, March 1, 2010

Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

Gorillaz are back with a new album out next week. It's another concept piece and I have to say I'm a little surprised -- I thought they'd called it quits after some big shows in Las Vegas were billed as their last ever. But here they are, and they'll be playing Coachella next month too. The new album, 'Plastic Beach', can be heard in full here. I've given it a listen and I'm pretty pleased, there are some very nice tracks and some cool collaborations (half the Clash, Bobby Womack, Little Dragon, and Mark E. Smith are some of the stand-outs). Might even be worth a vinyl purchase in fact. Hear it yourself and let us know what you think. If you're a bit ADD you can hear a mix of all the tracks at the Gorillaz Youtube site, and watch some other vids and things too -- vid for the first single should be up tomorrow.


  1. man i love the mc in 'clint eastwood' - he's so good! i love it when he says "Rhythm - You have it or you don't that's a fallacy..."

    that guy has mad rhythm

  2. yeah ok but what do you think about the NEW stuff which i posted about TODAY

  3. I was gonna post something on this! Stylo's been getting airplay over here and there are Gorillaz posters on the underground. Mos Def's also on that track.

  4. you should pick up some gorillaz art work man! if it's free and easily available. i didn't mention mos def cos his bits didn't stand out to me, other than one of his bits being very mos deffy.

  5. I was intrigued after a first listen but I feel like this is an album where you have to listen to the songs several times before a few standouts really start to grow on you.

    Ps. This blog is a nice way to keep up with new music... nice work Ashraf family.

  6. thank you outside commenter -- keep readin'
