Monday, August 18, 2014


Hello!  1988 is on my mind today.  I had a good moment today, a moment that is harder and harder to come across in these days of music streaming, youstube, and the fact that basically every track that ever existed is available on the web.  Surprises are hard to come by, and only seem to happen when a track from the past that I've completely forgotten about randomly re-emerges and brings a smile to my face.  That happened today with the following track, which I probably last heard when it was originally out the in the late Eighties.  It's nice to be taken back every now and then.

But that's not the only track up today!  Oh no, Caribou's got a new one out so I'm going to put that here too. It's a cool track that switches things up halfway through, when a nice Inner City vibe comes in -- 1988 again!  Or thereabouts.  I think it'll sound great live.

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